Police Federation

PFEW CEO highlights pressing Federation matters in new video

Mukund Krishna openly discusses top priorities with Journalist Danny Shaw in latest CEO Direct episode.

9 January 2025


Police Federation of England and Wales CEO, Mukund Krishna, has released the third episode of his ongoing series, CEO Direct, to shed light on the most pressing issues currently facing the organisation.

Interviewed by Journalist Danny Shaw, from PFEW HQ, topics covered in part 1 include:

- Where PFEW is currently at in relation to the pension challenge settlement, including payment to claimants.
- Recovering the organisation from an existential crisis and rebuilding the organisation to support our members for generations to come.
- Framework to rebuild reserves, including the sale of flats owned by HQ and the main HQ building.
- Independent Review findings.
- The Member Value Report, demonstrating the positive work of the Federation, both nationally and locally.
- How are we going to become a more professional organisation, fit for the future, including changes to policies and procedures.
- Learning lessons and utilising good practice from forces in relation to adopting formal processes handling poor conduct and behaviour, including ensuring investigations are entirely independent, conducted by lawyers specialising in employment.
- What is happening with suspended National Board and National Council members, with independent investigations ongoing.

Watch part 1 of episode 3


Previous episodes

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