Police Federation

February POLICE magazine out now

21 February 2024


The first POLICE magazine of 2024 is out today, featuring coverage from our Roads Policing Seminar which saw a huge number of practitioners from within the country and abroad, to learn and share best practice. 

Raising the profile of roads policing further, we check in with Martin Owen, Internal Audit Manager at PFEW HQ, who accompanied a team of Metropolitan Police Traffic Division officers on a ride along, admiring their driving skills and professionalism in keeping motorists safe. 

In the Chair Asks, Steve Hartshorn puts his questions to John Basset, president of the National Association of Legally Qualified Chairs, ahead of changes to police misconduct hearing procedures which are due to come into effect in April, while Deputy National Chair Tiff Lynch responds to members’ questions around an update on the pension trap, industrial rights and working time regulations. 

Mukund Krishna, PFEW CEO, lays out his plans for 2024 as he leads the organisation through  its transformational journey.  

We hear from the fiancé of an officer with potentially life-changing injuries following a police vehicle crash, and how a Fed rep has consistently gone above and beyond in supporting them through their most difficult moments. 

Learn more about a new podcast from the Thames Valley Police Men’s Health Forum called ‘The Kettle’s Always On’ - ‘aimed at any man going through any challenge’. PFEW Wellbeing Lead Paul Williams also reflects on the progress of the Police Covenant and summarises the work yet to be done. 

Meet Andy Dollard, one of the first special constable Fed reps, who tells us how he is finding his new role and the importance of giving specials a voice, now they have the option of PFEW protection and support as members. 

From the College of Policing, championing local policing on a secondment, Sergeant Sarah Merrall and Superintendent Andy Sidebotham reflect on how neighbourhood teams are vital to developing and maintaining trust and confidence in policing, plus Assistant Chief Constable Tom Harding discusses how the new Code of Ethics will be more supportive and easier to use. 

POLICE also catches up with the England Police Rugby team to discover their plans for the future, and much more. 

We hope you enjoy this edition.  

Click here to read. 

If you want to subscribe, or have any comments and suggestions, please email editor@polfed.org. 

To advertise in POLICE magazine please contact alison.lambert@polfed.org. 

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