Police Federation

June edition of POLICE magazine is now available

This edition introduces our outstanding nominees for the 2023 National Police Bravery Awards. Read about their incredible achievements and selfless acts of bravery and learn more about our judging panel.

7 June 2023


This edition introduces our outstanding nominees for the 2023 National Police Bravery Awards. Read about their incredible achievements and selfless acts of bravery and learn more about our judging panel.

On 6 May, King Charles III’s Coronation saw a record number of police officers, alongside military personnel, and officers from partner agencies, undertake one of the largest security and public order measures the Metropolitan Police Service has ever led – Operation Golden Orb.

For Mental Health Awareness Week, we’ve interviewed officers who have used our Welfare Support Programme (WSP) learn more about the phenomenal support they received when they were going through life-changing circumstances. As part of the coverage, National Board Member and Wellbeing Lead, Sue Honeywill, talks about the importance of preventative support.

National Chair Steve Hartshorn talks to newly appointed NPCC Chair, Gavin Stephens, about the relationship between PFEW and its partner organisations, the Baroness Casey Review, police budgets and officers’ pay.

Deputy National Chair Tiff Lynch answers a wide range of questions concerning pensions, police pay awards, the rising rate of attrition amongst officers, service medals, and lenient sentences handed out by courts in cases of police attacks.

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary tells us more about being the first force in the country to invest in 3rd generation body armour to provide the highest protection to officers. This feature is part of our ongoing campaign to promote officer safety and influence police chiefs to invest in the latest personal protection equipment.

Hope you will enjoy reading the latest edition.

If you would like to be featured in the magazine or have any feedback, let us know by emailing editor@polfed.org.

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