Police Federation

April edition of POLICE magazine is out now

Read the latest policing news and inspirational stories directly from the frontline

8 April 2021


April’s edition of POLICE magazine is out now featuring the latest policing news and spotlights the hard work of members via stories directly from the frontline.

In this month’s edition:

  • Coverage of the disgraceful attacks on officers in Bristol
  • We meet some fresh faces who are reinforcing the thin blue line as part of the Police Uplift Programme
  • National Chair John Apter speaks to Police Uplift Director DCC Janette McCormick for The Chair Asks
  • Spotlight on the inspirational story of PC Skye Morden from West Midlands Police who suffered a vicious online backlash which made her more determined to blaze a trail for other transgender police officers. Skye, who earned her spurs during 20 years as a Taser specialist and an award-winning public order cop, tells us why coming out as Trans was terrifying - but also a relief
  • On page 28 we recognise the many brave officers who helped saved lives at the London terror attacks in 2017, and who have been honoured by the Royal Humane Society

POLICE magazine is the PFEW’s flagship publication for our 130,000 members and is published every other month.

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If you have any comments or suggestions, please email editor@polfed.org.

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