Police Federation

Your responses needed for the Roads Policing Review

Federation welcomes call for evidence by DFT

14 July 2020


The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has welcomed the publication of the government’s Roads Policing Review Call for Evidence and asks members to use this opportunity to share their views and experience.

The call, which anticipates the imminent publication of an inspection report into roads policing by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire & Rescue Service (HMICFRS), states that since 2010 the number of people killed or seriously injured on UK roads has “plateaued”, ending a long-term downward trend.

Gemma Fox, PFEW Roads Policing Lead, said: “This call for evidence is another welcome sign that roads policing is finally getting the attention it deserves. Roads policing has been under-funded and under-resourced for too long, with many officers ‘double hatting’ in roads and other roles. As a result, this vital area of policing has suffered, and the safety of the public has suffered too.

“It is essential that everyone who has feedback on this important issue gets in contact with the Department for Transport to make sure that this report is the best that it can be – leading to positive change for our members and the public we serve.”

Read the call for evidence and how to respond. 

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