Police Federation

Roads Policing Conference looks to the future

PFEW’s two-day seminar on Roads Policing and its future starts today in Kenilworth

28 January 2020


Delegates are arriving in Kenilworth for the Police Federation of England and Wales’ 14th annual Roads Policing Conference, which starts today (Tuesday).

The two-day event will discuss what the future may hold for roads policing, with input from key figures such as Chief Constable Anthony Bangham, the National Roads Policing Lead, and Steven Toal from the Policing Powers Unit at the Home Office.

Policing Minister Kit Malthouse will give an address via video and a panel session will focus on the role of the roads officer. There will be a debate about SMART motorways, with AA President Edmund King on the panel, and an in-depth look at a real-life pursuit investigation.

A minute’s silence will be held for PC Nick Dumphreys, the Cumbria officer who was killed in a road accident while on duty at the weekend.

Police Federation National Board member Gemma Fox said: "This conference is always a valuable opportunity to meet – not only to share our experiences as roads policing officers and discuss best practice, but also to steer the direction of roads policing for many years to come."

Other highlights include a live demonstration of drone use in roads policing and a seminar on the antisocial use of off-road motorbikes.

There will be discussion of recent and upcoming changes to police driver training legislation and collision investigation, and how the Federation is continuing to push for change and challenge laws that are too often used to prosecute officers who are simply doing their jobs.

The event has been sponsored by MIB, Civica, Irwin Mitchell solicitors, Slater Gordon and No1 Copperpot and supported by a wide array of exhibitors, including BMW and Yamaha.

Sports presenter Tom Gaymor will deliver the After Dinner Speech, and the winner of this year’s Outstanding Contribution will be announced.

You can view the agenda and event brochure here. Keep checking the Police Federation website and Twitter feed (@PFEW_HQ) for news and updates over the two day event.

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