Police Federation

Review into Roads Policing launched with online questionnaire

Your first chance to contribute to the Department for Transport review into Roads Policing

29 January 2020


Glynn Wallis-Jones from the Department for Transport launched a new questionnaire today designed to gather information for the Government’s upcoming Roads Policing review.

The review will look at eight areas, including driver training, economics, forensic collision investigation, and data sharing.

The questionnaire goes live today and hopes to contact all roads police officers, as current stats do not take double-hatting into account. They want to find out what type of roads policing officers are doing, and how much of it they’re doing. The survey takes approximately fifteen minutes to complete.

Glynn Wallis-Jones said, ‘This is not the government ‘doing something’ to the police - this is an opportunity for you as a service to get involved.’

The HMICFRS report will come out in April 2020, followed by piloting of operational tactics in summer 2020 - the report with full recommendations will come out in March 2021.

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