Police Federation

Protection after police contact deaths forms new policy

College of Policing rolls out guidelines on Death or Serious Injuries procedures

6 July 2020

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Officers involved in deaths or serious injuries will be given protection in College of Policing policy – akin to colleagues who carry firearms.

Today (July 6) the College has launched a Death or Serious Injury Authorised Professional Practice (DSI APP) policy.

It sets out clearly the steps that should be taken by forces during such incidents concerning members of the public and colleagues to protect officers legally, ensure their welfare is looked after as well as assist with the investigation that follows.

It will apply to any Post Incident Procedures (PIP) that take place outside of a firearms PIP – which is covered by its own Armed Policing APP.

Police Federation of England and Wales’ Post Incident Procedure Lead Steve Hartshorn, said: “There has been a deaths or serious injury policy in place for firearms for many years which has been tested through the courts and has set a standard that protects officers and assists with the provision of best evidence.

“I am pleased to say this new policy from the College of Policing will afford those same protections to all our officers and staff.”

The Federation has created several documents to assist colleagues who become involved in such incidents and can be used as part of local training or as aids during a PIP.

There is a PIP leaflet and welfare support leaflet available to print or you can pick one up from your local branch board reps.

Mr Hartshorn added: “We will continue to support our members who are involved in a PIP not only through our Welfare Support Programme, but also by ensuring they have the right legal advice. We encourage anyone who finds themselves in this situation to contact their local Federation rep as soon as possible so we can get them the assistance they need.”

Officers and reps are advised to take some time to read the APP and guidance to make sure they understand the new processes that will be taking place.

Further information can be obtained from the College of Policing website or your local branch.

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