Police officers have been urged to familiarise themselves with a newly produced operational guideline leaflet about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
The leaflet contains important information about practical scenarios, details about stop and search procedures, how to handle contact with the public, and what PPE measures are required to handle many routine situations.
PFEW’s Operational Lead Simon Kempton was closely involved in producing the new guidelines alongside colleagues from the National Police Coordination Centre, College of Policing and National Police Chiefs’ Council.
He now wants members to ensure they take the time to examine the changes to PPE procedures to help counter the threat of Covid-19.
Mr Kempton said: “Since day one of the pandemic, your Federation has been involved in the development of PPE guidance, taking feedback directly from the frontline and making sure this was included in the support document issued to officers.
“For example, we have made sure the guidance makes provision for dealing with non-compliant or violent subjects, because the reality of front-line policing is we deal with individuals in very different circumstances to those our colleagues in other agencies face, and our PPE guidance needed to reflect that.”
He added: “We know that during the pandemic, assaults on emergency service workers have increased. That has included spitting assaults which are vile at any time but even more dangerous against the backdrop of a virus which has killed many thousands.
“COVID-19 is invisible. We can’t see where it lies or hides. And because of that, it’s all too easy to inadvertently come into contact with it. Alongside other steps like social distancing and hand hygiene, PPE plays a vital part in keeping not just us, but our colleagues and families safe. That’s why the Federation have put so much effort into shaping this guidance document.
“As we enter a possible second wave of the virus, knowing what the guidance says and complying with it has never been more important.”
Take some time to read the new PPE guidance here.