Police Federation

Policing Christmas dinners ‘not a priority’ Chair tells Sky News

Chair discussed challenge of policing new restrictions & emphasised importance of discretion for officers

21 December 2020


The Police Federation of England and Wales National Chair was interviewed by Sky News this morning (Monday 21 December) about the challenges of enforcing the harsher restrictions put in place by the Prime Minister over the weekend.

Speaking to presenter Niall Paterson, Mr Apter said: "Non-COVID demand is still as high as ever - we’re still answering the 999 calls, the burglaries, the assaults, the theft of vehicles. We’re still dealing with all of that. It’ll be about priorities. Like everything, police officers use their discretion. And on a day like Christmas day when emotions will be running high, that discretion will be needed more than ever. Knocking on peoples door on Christmas Day, checking there are not eight people sitting around the dinner table will not be a priority. ”

The National Chair also pointed out that reports of extra police on the streets are misleading, as there are no extra police officers. "Officers are being pulled from other duties to fulfil the visible aspect of policing during the Christmas period. However, this doesn’t change the fact that police officers are still struggling to cope with a highly increased demand and ever-changing coronavirus regulations," he said.

Here's the full interview:

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