Police Federation

PFEW launch Demand, Capacity & Welfare survey

An opportunity for rank and file police officers to give their views on policing the pandemic

5 October 2020


Police officers across England and Wales have been given an opportunity to express their views on policing the pandemic after the Police Federation of England and Wales launched a nationwide survey involving 120,000 rank and file members.

PFEW today (5 Oct) rolled out the third Demand, Capacity & Welfare survey in a bid to influence positive change for the entire police service. The survey hands every officer from the rank of Constable to Chief Inspector the opportunity to help shape PFEW’s future policy on a range of issues and to describe how these impacted on them.

The survey is designed to provide a clearer picture of the main challenges currently facing policing and includes bespoke questions around officers’ experiences of working during the pandemic, and the plan to recruit an additional 20,000 officers by 2023.

Other topics covered include resilience within the police service, the day-to-day demands facing officers and the stress and impact on their mental health and welfare.

PFEW National Vice Chair and Mental Health Lead Ché Donald said: “Over the last decade we have lost more than 20,000 officers, and although the Government’s recruitment drive is on track, it will take many years for the benefits to be felt. My exhausted colleagues are still buckling under an enormous amount of pressure which has been exacerbated as they continue policing the pandemic.”

More than 18,000 officers took part in the previous Demand, Capacity & Welfare Survey. This year PFEW hopes to see this number increase to over 20,000.

Mr Donald added: “We greatly appreciate members taking the time to support the service by filling in this survey, and the information provided will be used to inform our policy development and help us to support and represent colleagues.

“It is critical their voices are heard to keep people at the highest levels of policing informed of the reality of policing to build awareness, influence and most importantly initiate action and positive change for the greater good of our members.”

Members who have not received a link to the 2020 survey should contact their local Federation branch for further information.

  • ABOVE: Watch PFEW National Chair John Apter explain why members should take the time to complete the survey 



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