National Vice-Chair Ché Donald
Figures which show assaults on emergency service workers rose by a massive 31 per cent during the lockdown period have been described as ‘a stain on society.’
National Vice-Chair Ché Donald reacted following the release of police recorded crime figures by the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) which graphically detailed the shocking upward trend.
Mr Donald said: “The stark fact that assaults on emergency service workers rose by almost a third compared to the same period last year is a stain on society and totally unacceptable.
“I am absolutely appalled by the huge surge in assaults against emergency workers. Police officers and other emergency workers who serve the public do not deserve to be assaulted for simply doing their jobs.
“Those who commit these despicable offences must be harshly dealt with by the courts and face the full force of the law.
“PFEW will continue our campaign to increase sentences against those who assault us through our ‘Protect The Protectors’ campaign. It is vital to safeguard the physical and mental wellbeing of police officers and ensure courts issue tougher sentences for those who assault emergency service workers.”