National Secretary Alex Duncan
Police Federation members will today (Tuesday 28 July) receive an email invitation to take part in our annual Pay and Morale Survey.
The data we collect is of critical importance because it underpins our submission to the independent Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB). This helps us to evidence the need for an uplift in police officer pay, and changes to working conditions.
National Secretary Alex Duncan said: “The Federation needs hard evidence to support any argument we make for an increase in pay or allowances. That evidence comes primarily from this survey and it also enables Branches to make the case for changes to working conditions when they are meeting with their Chief Constable or MPs.
“A poor return undermines the credibility of our research. So, my message to members is a simple one – help us to help you. If you care about your pay and conditions, then completing the survey will be time well spent.”
Earlier this month, the Home Secretary accepted the PRRB’s recommendations (based on submissions from the Federation and other stakeholders last year) resulting in a 2.5% pay increase for all police officers from 1 September 2020.
Government also agreed to scrap the lowest pay point in the sergeants’ scale, which the Federation successfully argued was deterring officers from seeking promotion. This is because there was no clear water between the starting salary for a sergeant and those at the top of the constables pay scale.
Mr Duncan added: “All pay consultations rely on evidence to back up the claims. Nobody likes paying more for something than they have to; our job is to persuade Government, through the PRRB, that they have put more money into policing, and the only way to do that is with credible datasets and officers playing that part by completing the survey. If you don’t give us the evidence, it certainly isn’t going to improve our chance of getting a better deal for you.”
Findings from the 2019 pay and morale survey revealed that only 36% of respondents had enough money to cover their monthly essentials. One in eight officers admitted to seeking financial support to cover day to day expenses. Out of the 19,654 respondents last year, almost 75% said they felt worse off financially than they were five years ago.