Police Federation

Innovative seminars will focus on inclusion

Online events to take place this week and address diversity in policing

24 November 2020


Traditional seminars and training have taken a back seat as the country constantly adapts to the challenges of daily living and working. Expectations and demands continue for policing and Federation reps continue to be called upon daily to give guidance and support.

This week, the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is hosting two half-day seminars for Fed reps, covering diversity in policing – to share best practise, raise issues, network, talk about the challenges they face and how to improve inclusion in the largest staff association, which represents 130,000 police officers.


BAME and BAME Belief virtual seminar, Wednesday 25 November 2020, 1pm-4.30pm

Paul Odle and Zac Mader of the Federation BAME group

Paul Odle and Zac Mader of the Federation BAME group

This will be PFEW’s first Black Asian Minority Ethnic (BAME) and BAME Belief seminar and this will address important issues which impact on members.

Those joining the event can hear from the National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Work Representation Lead, Deputy Chief Constable Phil Cain; Chief Superintendent Roy Smith, Metropolitan Police; and Mike Franklin, NHS Director of Equality and Inclusion.

Zac Mader, Secretary of PFEW’s BAME and BAME Belief Group, said: “BAME issues can sometimes be challenging for colleagues to discuss but as a group we are determined to assist the organisation for the benefit of our members. And we are absolutely committed to playing our part in eradicating any form of discrimination or hate.

“We have a great opportunity in PFEW for the next triennial election period that takes place in 12 months, and we want to focus on inclusion and encourage colleagues from BAME Belief backgrounds to put themselves forward to be a Fed rep.

“As an organisation, we have embarked on ‘cultural competence’ to better understand members and some of the unique challenges BAME officers face daily – within policing and the communities they serve.”

Read the agenda here

Women’s networking, Thursday 26 November 2020, 9am-12pm 

Zoe Wakefield, Chair of the National Women's Group

Zoe Wakefield, Chair of the National Women's Group

Never before has the Women’s Group hosted an event of this scale, with every Fed rep in England and Wales welcome to join virtually. 

PFEW’s focus is on how they can support female reps, wherever they are in the country. This will empower them to take learning points back to their force and then share these with the wider police service to assist other reps, for the overall benefit of members.

Zoe Wakefield, Chair of PFEW’s Women’s Group, said: “We want to support our female Fed reps, and encourage and develop them to not only stand for election again next year but also so they progress within the organisation and consider standing for other positions.

“The majority of senior Fed reps are male, so we need them to support our female reps. Our male reps are welcome to join us for the session, and to listen to the issues and our objectives for 2021.”

Those joining the seminar will hear from NPCC Gender Lead, Chief Constable Carl Foulkes; inspirational officer, Fed rep and Pride of Britain Award Winner, Claire Bond; and Women’s Chair, Zoe Wakefield. Zoe will provide an update on the Group’s new structure, aims and aspirations for 2021, and there will be an opportunity for female reps to ask questions and share ideas.

Read the full agenda here.

For more information on how to join these events virtually, email pfevents@polfed.org.

You can also follow the seminars on social media, using #PFEWBAME or #PFEWWomen.

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