Police Federation

Ill-health and retirement pension update issued

Home Office has set out guidance in relation to Immediate Detriment Pensions Cases

24 August 2020


The Home Office has today, in correspondence with the Police Federation of England and Wales, set out guidance in relation to Immediate Detriment Pensions Cases.

This specifically relates to the treatment of police officers who are due to retire imminently (including ill-health), who are impacted by the McCloud/Sargeant judgement.

The guidance sets out how members can be treated as if they were in their original legacy schemes giving individuals the option of the scheme they choose.

Please note PFEW only received this document late this afternoon, so we are still in the process of working through what is being proposed along with the implications for our membership. Once we have done so, this will be fully communicated in more detail.

Our position remains unchanged: members should remain on their existing/legacy pensions where this does not cause them a detriment.


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