Police Federation

Home Secretary announces new funding in summit speech

Priti Patel commits additional £41million to 18 forces to drive down crime

26 February 2020

Home Secretary Priti Patel speaking at the APCC & NPCC summit

Home Secretary Priti Patel speaking at the APCC & NPCC summit

The Home Secretary announced several new measures in a keynote speech at the APCC and NPCC summit today (February 26).

Speaking at the conference in London to assembled police chiefs and police and crime commissioners, Ms. Patel reaffirmed her commitment to policing as Home Secretary and unveiled a raft of measures to lower crime rates.

In addition to the Police Covenant consultation launched this morning, a cross-government crime and justice task force and an extra £41million for 18 police forces to drive down crime will be introduced.

John Apter, National Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: "It’s good to hear the Home Secretary talk with such passion about her admiration and respect for rank and file police officers.

"As I’ve said before, warm words need to be backed up with action and while the 20,000 uplift is much needed it will not cover the 22,000 we’ve lost. While I welcome these announcements, especially the Covenant consultation, more needs to be done."

Ms Patel said, “Crime is not going to go away overnight and so we need long term strategies.

"I will do everything I can to ensure that police officers and our forces are equipped to meet the challenges they will face, but also to ensure you the support you need.”

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