Federation members up and down the country are being asked to share best practice methods of confronting the COVID-19 virus in an imaginative initiative.

Treasurer Simon Kempton
And in the true spirit of cooperation, the measures will be shared by the Federation with Chief Constables and other key stakeholders to ensure they can quickly be rolled out to other forces.
Successful initiatives from Federation members have included volunteering a dedicated COVID-19 vehicle, the creation of dedicated COVID-19 vehicle packs, and using experienced frontline officers to filter control room calls.
Police Federation of England & Wales Treasurer Simon Kempton will feed the information to the College of Policing Organisational Development and Peer Support Team which supports forces, staff associations, partners and stakeholders nationally.
He now wants members to let the Fed know about new local procedures or initiatives which have proved a success or even failure in the battle against Coronavirus.
Simon said: “There is some really ingenious work going on and we want to hear about the first-hand experiences of members. If there’s a new initiative which has been useful then get in touch so we can share this nationally. It doesn’t matter if it is something small or force wide.
“Over the next few days and weeks we want to make it easier to quickly share new local practice and learning to support everyone in policing. As the volume of examples of good practice grows, we will look for trends, themes, innovations and inter-dependencies that inform more strategic developments around policy and implementation.
“We are keen for feedback and will adapt this as we go along as risks and requirements may develop and change.
“It could therefore be vital colleagues get on board and share their examples of practice. Their experience of things to avoid will also be incredibly valuable.
“It’s worth remembering that forces and areas of the UK are at different stages and levels of experience. We are all learning each day.
“Any pitfalls which have been identified early on need to be shared so that others benefit from the experience.
To get in touch directly, contact your local Fed Office with the heading: COVID 19 - F.A.O. SIMON KEMPTON.