Police Federation

Full pay for 26 weeks after changes to maternity and adoption leave

Changes to come into effect on 4 January 2021

8 December 2020

Alex Duncan, National Secretary of the Police Federation

Alex Duncan, National Secretary of the Police Federation

Police officers on maternity or adoption leave will be entitled to full pay for 26 weeks instead of 18 from 4 January 2021.

The additional maternity and adoption pay benefits were gained for members through PFEW’s participation in the Police Consultative Forum (PCF), the voluntary forum for employer and staff representative bodies.

Further guidance is expected before next year from the NPCC National Reward Team (NRT) about the implementation of the new regulations, including clarification for those already on maternity or adoption leave.

Alex Duncan, National Secretary of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “This is a win-win for both society and the forces.

“Policing is keen to improve diversity and to be better reflective of society. In order to do this, it’s important not only to attract a more diverse workforce but to retain it.

“This is a positive step in enabling those on maternity or adoption leave to be able to better balance having a family with remaining in the police.”

Read the new regulations here, and please contact your branch board for more information.

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