As part of our month-long focus on financial wellbeing, Belinda Goodwin, Secretary of our wellbeing sub-committee, explains how the Federation can offer help to members who have financial worries. As part of our ‘Hear Man Up, Think Man Down’ campaign, Belinda explains that financial help and advice is available through the Federation for everyone who needs it.
Fed members have worked tirelessly through this pandemic and faced a challenge unlike anything policing has experienced before. At the same time, many officers face financial difficulties as partners lose jobs or take a cut in wages due to the economic havoc wrought by COVID-19. With Christmas fast approaching, and the focus on buying presents for friends and family, debt is an inevitable consequence of the festive season for many.
As police officers, financial worries sit alongside the added pressure of regulations which address debt, and we cannot simply not discharge a lawful debt. This can be a huge concern for officers who get into debt through no fault of their own. No-one wants to worry about a visit from the Professional Standards Department as well as debt collectors and creditors.
I know all too well that the stress caused by financial worries can be deadly. With most of the death by suicide incidents I attended in response policing, there was often an element of debt around the tragedy. Therefore, the same overwhelming circumstances that drove people to take their own lives are being faced by hard working Police officers every day.
Throughout December, we want to get the word out that there is help available. So, we've joined up with a number of organisations to provide members with information about financial help through a series of informative videos and articles which we will be sharing. You can also find contact details on our financial support page.
If you are facing an issue with debt, the Fed can assist. Please talk to your local Fed rep and we will make sure you get the help you need - not just during the Christmas period, but all year round. PFEW is here to help so pick up your phone or pop into your local Fed for a chat.
Let's make 2021 the start of your financial wellbeing journey, so debt becomes a thing of the past.
#ManUpManDown #PoliceWelfare