Police Federation



A student officer still within his initial learning period has been nominated for the national Police Bravery Awards 2024 for facing danger head on, single-handedly detaining a suspect with a gun.

PC Richard Broad from Humberside Police was on duty with his tutor on a routine patrol of Bridlington seafront when their attention was drawn by CCTV operators to two individuals suspected of dealing drugs.

Once with the individuals with the purpose of conducting a stop and search, one of the suspects immediately fled on foot and was pursued by PC Broad’s tutor constable. PC Broad was now alone with the second suspect, but due to him not being signed off for independent patrol this was a nervy and potentially stressful moment for him.

The suspect initially appeared compliant with PC Broad’s instructions, but in the blink of an eye turned violent and shoved PC Broad, trying to knock him off his feet and gain an advantage as he turned and ran.

PC Broad gave chase, following the suspect as he turned a corner into a grassed area, at which point the suspect turned, reached into his trousers, and pulled out a handgun. Without pause and showing tremendous courage, PC Broad shouted at the suspect while closing him down, instructing him to drop the weapon and get on the ground.

With no hesitation or uncertainty, PC Broad continued to engage with the suspect, successfully taking him to the ground and knocking the gun from his grip. Despite a violent struggle PC Broad single-handedly managed to subdue him and place him in handcuffs. Further support from other police units arrived shortly afterwards and the weapon was secured.

It was revealed later the suspect was a member of an out-of-town gang with links to drug dealing, weapons, and violence.

To deal with such a dangerous and violent criminal in unexpected circumstances, whilst alone and so young in his service, shows incredible bravery and an absolute inherent dedication to keeping the public safe.

Chair of Humberside Police Federation, Lee Sims, said: “This officer showed incredible bravery for someone so young in service and not yet out of his tutored phase. He showed immense courage when realising the male had a firearm and yet persisted in trying to detain him when others may have backed off fearing for their own safety. We are delighted to recognise his bravery at the national awards.”

Humberside Police Chief Constable Paul Anderson said: “To be a police officer requires tremendous courage, of that there is no doubt. It is expected that police officers run towards danger when others run away, it is expected they have an inherent sense of duty above and beyond the consideration of their own safety for the protection of the public.

“That being said, this often comes with extensive training and experience. PC Broad acted selflessly and in accordance with this duty. He did so with his instinct to protect the public above all else and this should not be underestimated.

“He was faced with extreme danger and there is no doubt he acted bravely, but perhaps even more so when you consider he was still within his initial stages of training. It is with great pride that I am able to acknowledge him in this way and thank him on behalf of the force and the public for his selfless actions. I am extremely proud to call him a Humberside officer.”


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