Police Federation



A heroic and selfless off-duty officer who came to the rescue of a member of the public being chased and threatened by two armed men has been nominated for the national Police Bravery Awards 2024.

PC Aaron Jackson from Cheshire Police used all his strength and training to disarm and detain two would-be violent robbers who were pursuing their victim through the streets.

On July 26 2023, the victim, an 18-year-old man, was being chased by two males in dark clothing, one wearing a balaclava demanding that he hand over his wallet. The victim had run off just as PC Jackson was driving past and noticed the man frantically waving whilst being pursued by the two men.

Without regard for his own safety, PC Jackson stopped his private vehicle, jumped out of his car and was informed immediately by the victim the two men had weapons.

Armed or not, PC Jackson grabbed the larger of the two men, at which point the other assailant raised a crowbar and demanded ‘let go of my mate or I’ll hit you with this’.

PC Jackson’s experience and training kicked in and he was able to disarm the man whilst still maintaining a strong grip on the larger individual. Despite the continued efforts of the men to escape, which involved spitting at PC Jackson, he was able to keep control of them until on-duty response officers, called by a member of the public, arrived on scene and arrested the men for robbery and threats.

PC Jackson’s efforts have won him a Chief Constable’s Award and highlighted an officer is never really off duty.

Cheshire Police Federation Chair James Thompson said: “We are proud Aaron is representing Cheshire in the 2024 Bravery Awards and his actions show police officers are never off duty. To rush to help a member of the public, without any protective equipment or back up, really was an act of bravery, particularly when the offenders were armed.”

Cheshire Inspector, Colin Searle, said: “It came as absolutely no surprise when I first learned of Aaron’s arrests whilst off duty of two robbery suspects who, after attacking a member of the public, made threats to assault him with a weapon.

“He is a highly dedicated member of the Citizens in Policing team; supporting and coaching officers of our Special Constabulary to gain their independent patrol status and flourish throughout their policing career.

“Aaron’s actions identifying a member of the public in need, detaining two offenders nearby whilst under threat of violence and then maintaining control until colleagues arrived exemplify the Peelian principles that underpin our police service. Well done, Aaron, you should be very proud of your brave actions.”

Cheshire Constabulary Chief Constable Mark Roberts said: “PC Jackson instinctively acted with bravery to intervene and save a member of the public from two assailants brandishing weapons.

“It is particularly commendable as he was off duty and without any protective equipment or a radio to summon back up. Not only did he stop the attack on the member of the public, but he managed to detain the offenders which is to his absolute credit.”



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