Police Federation



A determined officer who relentlessly pursued a recognised wanted suspect despite being off duty with no protective equipment, and after being assaulted multiple times, has been nominated for the national Police Bravery Awards 2024.

On July 5, 2023, Warwickshire Police Sergeant Adam Skelsey found himself off duty.

PS Skelsey observed a male who was wanted and notorious for being evasive to catch. Despite lacking personal protective equipment or a radio, he instinctively intervened to prevent the male from evading custody.

Identifying himself as a police officer, PS Skelsey seized the male. However, another individual accompanying the suspect intervened whose encouragement motivated him to assault PS Skelsey to escape.

Despite the assault, he held onto the suspect and sought assistance from the public. Fortunately, a nearby shop heard the commotion and notified the police, alerting on-duty officers.

An outnumbered PS Skelsey pursued the offender who broke free to a nearby carpark, a move that heightened the danger by taking them out of public view.

PS Skelsey managed to apprehend the wanted suspect once more, but the second assailant intervened again and assaulted PS Skelsey to aid the male's escape.

Despite the repeated assaults, PS Skelsey persevered as the male attempted to climb a wall, kicking his face in the process.

With the aid of other units, PS Skelsey coordinated a search despite sustaining injuries to his arms and hands to ensure the male did not escape custody or cause a prolonged search effort.

Due to his unwavering determination, the suspect was eventually detained and received a 16-week sentence for the offences and assault.

Andy Morrissey, Warwickshire Police Federation deputy chair, said: “Adam has showed great resilience and put himself at great risk to keep the public safe and bring offenders to justice for their actions.

“This is a clear show that cops are cops 24/7. Even when off duty, officers are always doing the right thing to stop offenders from escaping justice even at the risk of their own safety.

“PS Skelsey’s relentless drive to apprehend the male on his day off, even in the face of assault and without protective equipment or a radio, exemplifies his extraordinary dedication to policing and protecting the public.”

Warwickshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Ben Smith said: “On a daily basis, our officers attend challenging incidents and put themselves in harm’s way. The details of this incident clearly demonstrate how Sergeant Skelsey, whilst off duty, has gone above and beyond to apprehend a wanted suspect.

“Sergeant Skelsey had no support initially and no personal protective equipment, but he was determined, tenacious and persistent, faced with a suspect who was intent on escape and who had assaulted him multiple times.

“The suspect’s conduct and linked offences resulted in him receiving a prison sentence and prevented him causing any further harm to communities. Sergeant Skelsey has shown great courage and professionalism during this incident, putting his own safety second to that of the public; he is credit to policing and should be very proud of his actions.”



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