Police Federation

South Yorkshire

PC Nicola Burn and PC Anna Kelsey

PC Nicola Burn and PC Anna Kelsey

Two female police constables who were first on scene at a double murder have been nominated for the national Police Bravery Awards 2024.

South Yorkshire PCs Anna Kelsey and Nicola Burn volunteered to attend reports of concern for a man and woman’s welfare on 27 November 2022.

With limited information as they entered the property, the officers were met with a distressed loved one, and the suspect still on scene.

The suspect, 51-year-old James Andrews was standing at the top of the stairs, armed with a knife, and covered in blood. The officers, without hesitation immediately started to negotiate with Andrews, attempting to get him to drop the weapon.

Andrews resisting officers’ actions was Tasered for his, and officers’ safety.
He was arrested, and the murder weapon was recovered, but sadly, once officers had Andrews under control, it was evident that Bryan and Mary Andrews had suffered significant injuries and had died.

Despite witnessing an unimaginable attack and aftermath, PCs Burn and Kelsey continued to provide exemplary aftercare to Andrews, explaining processes and reassuring him following the Taser discharge.

During the whole extremely distressing incident, PC Burn and PC Kelsey were professional and remained calm under some of the toughest circumstances an officer could face. Both officers carried out their duties and followed their Taser training to the highest standard.

Chief Superintendent Lindsey Butterfield, Sheffield District Commander, said: “This nomination recognises the outstanding act of bravery shown by Nicola and Anna in incredibly difficult circumstances. Throughout this incident they have acted with the highest levels of professionalism, selflessness and public service. They embody the very best of policing, and fully deserve recognition for their actions.”

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “This is an example of the horrific incidents that our officers can be faced with on any given day. There is no exaggeration saying these officers faced an extremely dangerous situation and dealt with it so professionally and calmly without further harm coming to themselves or anyone else. The public should be proud of these officers as I know I am as their Federation chair.”

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