Police Federation


Clarkson,Fulton, Davies, Thomson, Gibbs

A team of heroic officers who risked their lives to detain a man carrying an explosive device have been nominated for the national Police Bravery Awards 2024.

On 28 August 2023 Hampshire PCs Emma Davies and Tim Clarkson attended an address, looking to detain a wanted male.

They found the man, but he would not let them into the building and would not engage, so back up was called with PS David Gibbs, PC Nathan Fulton and PC Scott Thomson soon arriving on scene. PC Davies went around the back of the property in case the suspect fled in that direction.

Using a battering ram on the door, PS Gibbs and PC Clarkson gained entry into the hallway, where they were faced by the suspect holding a handgun to his head and a handheld battery pack and detonator, with wires leading to two ‘man bags’ across his body.

They knew they had to use their communications skills to talk the man down and seek his cooperation to deescalate the perilous situation, however, calls to get him to drop the weapon failed.

The subject raised his hand and detonated the device whilst pointing the gun at the officers. Sparks and toxic smoke instantly filled the air.

PC Davies heard over the radio the mention of a firearm and then sounds of a gunshot.Fearing the worst, she ran from the rear to the front of the house to assist her colleagues and towards the danger, not knowing what horrific scenes she may be faced with.

Thankfully, the Taser deployed by PCs Clarkson and Thomson was effective and he was incapacitated on the floor, before being dragged out of the property.

Now aided by PC Davies and PC Fulton, they were faced with the bag still on fire and an unknown, potentially toxic powder.

Acting courageously and without a thought for their own safety, they risked their lives in trying to disarm him of both the firearm and the lethal, smoking device, but whilst doing so in the struggle he reached for the second bag around his body.

Fearing an explosion from a second device, the officers quickly gained control of him using two pairs of handcuffs to overcome the suspect’s strength.

The smoking device was cut off him and kicked away by PC Thomson, before PC Clarkson moved it away onto a grass verge in a more remote location and cordoned off the area. PC Davies then promptly used a fire extinguisher to cool it down.

This incident was so serious, explosive ordnance disposal attended the scene confirming the self-made improvised, viable explosive device contained a bottle full of broken glass and metal ball bearings which could act as shrapnel.

Thankfully the bomb hadn’t detonated properly, but they confirmed there could have been serious injuries, if not fatalities, and the use of Taser hindered his attempts to detonate the device.

Hampshire Police Federation Chair Zoë Wakefield said: “The officers involved in this incident were attending the address to make a routine arrest. They could never have envisaged what was going to happen, but they adapted very quickly to the evolving situation in front of them. They had to make some quick decisions, putting themselves at risk to prevent harm to others.

“Their actions individually and as a team meant the outcome was far less serious than it could possibly have been. This happened on August bank holiday in a built-up area. The potential harm that could have been caused to members of the public does not bear thinking about. They have shown outstanding bravery and courage in a life-threatening situation.

“There is so much unfair criticism of police officers in the media. Incidents like this show the public we have some amazing, very brave, and courageous officers. I am extremely proud of these five officers, and I am looking forward to attending the national Police Bravery Awards with them in July.”

Chief Constable Scott Chilton, Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, said: “Many of us pursue a career in policing because we want to protect the public and ensure people feel safe. This includes the communities we serve and the colleagues we work with and goes to the core of why we do what we do.

“The exceptional and selfless bravery shown by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary’s Sergeant David Gibbs, PC Tim Clarkson, PC Scott Thomson, PC Nathan Fulton and PC Emma Davies in August of 2023 demonstrates the lengths our officers go to in order to make our communities safer, putting themselves in harm’s way – without hesitation – to ensure the safety of the public.

“These courageous officers were initially confronted by a highly dangerous and unpredictable individual with a firearm in Gosport.

“This situation was then heightened by the discovery and attempted detonation of a potentially lethal explosive device, which meant that the officers were working in a smoke-filled environment containing further harmful and unknown dangers.

“Despite this undoubted risk to their own lives, the officers acted with immense bravery and professionalism at all times.

“In addition, PC Davies also demonstrated a high level of bravery by immediately responding to a gunshot by moving towards a dangerous situation and putting her own life at risk to assist her four colleagues.

“Despite being confronted with an armed and motivated suspect whose intention was to cause serious harm to himself and anyone around him, these officers did not hesitate in doing their very best to protect not only the public, but their colleagues and the individual in question.

“All five officers fully deserve to be commended for this selfless and brave response, as well as for their daily dedication and commitment to protecting the community and I am proud to say that I work alongside them.”


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