Police Federation



A special constable has received a national Police Bravery Award nomination for jumping into the treacherous North Sea to save an unresponsive woman, putting himself in harm’s way.

On 7 March 2023 at 9.20pm, SC Kyle Scott, who is part of the Suffolk Police Roads Policing Unit, was on patrol in Ipswich when the call came in of a high-risk missing person. The weather was cold and blustery with temperatures dipping down to -2C and the sea was dangerous and rough.

Using his initiative, SC Scott headed to the sea front at Felixstowe to cover the beach and sea when he saw the woman face down in the water.

Without a thought for his own safety, he jumped into the freezing sea and swam out to the woman who was unresponsive, before using all his strength to carry her against the crashing waves.

Fighting against the tide, he managed to get her to the water’s edge but was unable to get her further up a sand and shingle bank until he was helped by members of the public.

Between them, they dragged the woman to safety and provided first aid and tried to keep her warm until paramedics arrived.

Darren Harris, Suffolk Police Federation chair, said: “Kyle acted in the best traditions of policing, displaying incredible bravery to rescue this woman from the freezing cold sea.

“He should be immensely proud of his actions on that night, which - along with those of passing members of the public - I have no doubt, saved the woman’s life.

“His nomination for a national Police Bravery Award is hugely deserved and everyone at Suffolk Police Federation wishes him the best of luck at this year’s ceremony.”

Chief Constable Rachel Kearton, Suffolk Police, said: “I have no doubt that Kyle’s diligent search and subsequent actions, along with the assistance from members of the public, has likely saved this woman’s life.”

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