Police Federation



An officer who was rammed by a quad bike and thrown into the air has been nominated for the national Police Bravery Awards 2024, for ensuring the offender was arrested despite suffering significant injuries.

PC Stuart Furlonger was in attendance at an immediate concern call on the night of 13 September 2023 with his colleagues PCs Christopher Hoggett, Janelle Weston and Penny Oliver. An individual had overdosed on prescription drugs and needed to be transported to hospital.

As the officers left the address having dealt with the call, a large quad bike emerged at speed from the darkness and headed directly towards them on the public footpath.

Making the decision to stop the quad bike, PCs Furlonger, Weston and Oliver faced the vehicle as it approached, at which point the driver intentionally steered and at speed rammed straight into PC Furlonger, striking him with such force he was thrown through the air, receiving a compound fracture to his tibia and his fibula in his right leg.

Ricocheting from the collision, the quad collided with a parked car and then as PCs Weston and Oliver attempted to arrest the driver, he sped towards them before making off.

Meanwhile, PC Furlonger remained in agony on the ground, but despite this he was able to identify the driver of the quad having come into contact with him at a previous call that day. Knowing this information would be crucial in apprehending the dangerous suspect as soon as possible and removing him from the streets, PC Furlonger was able to provide updates on his radio.

He was aware his leg was badly broken yet continued to relay information about the suspect, vehicle, and circumstances. The accuracy and speed of these updates led a short while later to the arrest of the suspect.

The road to recovery for PC Furlonger has been significant; off work for several months and having a metal rod inserted into his leg over several operations, but despite this his motivation, enthusiasm and passion to return to the role is never wavering.

Durham Police Federation Chair Louise Guest said: “This was clearly a challenging, evolving situation, in which PC Furlonger, already knowing the risks this individual was prepared to go to escape, demonstrated true resilience. Ensuring the safety of his colleagues and the wider public was paramount.

“Even whilst suffering significant injuries, his early identification and quick thinking in providing valuable updates to his colleagues in the control room led to the apprehension of a dangerous individual within a short period of time.

“PC Furlonger’s selfless act in the face of adversity ensured no further individual suffered harm and a reckless individual was arrested.”

Durham Police Chief Constable, Rachel Bacon, said: “Our officers put themselves in harm’s way to keep the people of County Durham and Darlington safe every night and day. This incident is a clear demonstration of that selfless determination to protect the public.

“Even after being seriously injured by the driver of the quad bike, PC Furlonger continued to provide vital updates to his colleagues which resulted in the apprehension of a dangerous criminal.

“PC Furlonger required significant treatment for his injuries, but he has since returned to frontline duties – it is testament to his dedication and resilience that he has returned to work so quickly. I would like to thank him for his courageous actions that day.”

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