Police Federation

Public Polling Findings


Portland Communications’ specialist research team conducted two online surveys with the following groups in England and Wales:

527 labour switchers in the North of England

  • This includes those who voted for Labour in the 2017 general election, and then Conservatives in the 2019 general election
  • These voters were located in constituencies in the Northern regions of England

500 voters in minority seats in England and Wales

  • This included voters of any party, within constituencies in England and Wales which were elected as minority seats (Green Party, Liberal Democrat, Plaid Cymru and the seat held by the Speaker) in the 2019 general election

The fieldwork for this polling was conducted between 16 – 20 September 2021. Portland Communications’ online polling is accredited by the British Polling Council.

Voter polling headlines

  • Support for the police is high among both Labour Switchers and those in minority seats. The general view is that the Labour Party values police more than the Conservatives.
  • With knowledge of the current pay for police, there is support for police pay rises; with 4 in 5 supporting a police pay rise at the next opportunity (87% Labour Switchers and 72% minority seats). 
  • Around three quarters think it is the responsibility of government to ensure police are paid fairly. Around a third think police forces, organisations like PFEW (40% Labour Switchers and 27% minority seats) and the opposition are also responsible. 
  • Regardless of party, support for police would result in more votes – even more if police were able to support the campaign. 

Labour headlines

  • Three quarters of Labour Switchers (75%), and just over half of those in minority seats (51%), feel that Labour used to prioritise police more than it does now
  • 4 in 5 of Labour Switchers (79%), and nearly 3 in 5 of those in minority seats (57%), agree that Labour has lost touch with its voters who support the police
  • Both groups agree that a Labour Party Government would place higher value on police than a Conservative Party Government; this was higher among Labour Switchers (64%), than those in minority seats (51%)

Conservative headlines

  • Three quarters of Labour Switchers (77%), and almost 3 in 5 of those in minority seats (58%) feel that the Conservative Party used to prioritise police more than it does now
  • Both agree that police are undervalued by this government (Labour Switchers, 72%, and those in minority seats, 64%)
  • Half of those in minority seats (48%) feel that the current government does not give enough priority to ensuring critical service people's salaries increase in-line with inflation. 3 in 10 (30%) Labour Switchers feel the Government does not prioritise this enough

Soft context polling outcomes

  • Support for the police is high among both Labour Switchers and those in minority seats. Across both groups, more than 4 in 5 think police are important to supporting the fabric of the community
  • 96% of Labour Switchers think police are important to reducing levels of crime. This is 86% among those from minority seats
  • More than 4 in 5 Labour Switchers and those from minority seats say police are important for making them feel safer
  • Both groups also think that the responsibilities and workload of the police have increased over the past 10 years
  • Both groups agree the day-to-day life of a police officer has become worse in the last 10 years, and 4 in 5 believe that being a police officer is a job worthy of respect
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