Police Federation

Police Federation Employees

Defined Benefit Pension Scheme

The Defined Benefit Pension Scheme was established on 1 January 1980 to provide retirement benefits to the employees of the Police Federation of England and Wales.

It was closed to new entrants from May 2010. However, the scheme continues in existence for deferred members and pensioners.

From the 1 October 2020, the Trustees are required by the Pensions Regulator to make publicly available the Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) relating to the Scheme. This statement sets down the principles which govern the investment decisions relating to the scheme.

Also included here is the PFEW Implementation Statement which sets out how the Trustees of the Pension scheme have been following the various policies during the year.

Police Federation of England and Wales Retirement Benefits Scheme
Statement of Investment Principles: September 2020

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