Police Federation

Federation rules & regs

Coat of arms

The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is governed by a set of rules and regulations agreed by the government.

We were created by an act of parliament in 1919, which withdrew the right of officers to strike but permitted us to negotiate on all matters concerning our members' pay, allowances, hours of duty, annual leave, and other conditions of service.

Our rules and regulations were overhauled in 2017 following major change within the organisation, carried out under an Independent Review published in 2014. The review, that we commissioned ourselves, aimed to modernise and professionalise the organisation, which had remained largely unaltered in its 100-year history.

Amendments include:

  • improved standards of conduct and integrity;
  • better financial management;
  • revised election procedures; and
  • a directive to improve representation from under-represented groups.

The rules are approved by the Home Secretary and linked to the regulations which are law and approved by Parliament.

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