Police Federation

Election process

The PFEW election process, established in agreement with the Home Office, operates on a three-year cycle. A strong and vibrant election process is essential to our organisation's leadership and governance, as well as the effective delivery of day-to-day activity. These elections empower our members to influence the support they receive from the Federation.

The election process begins with the nomination and selection of Branch Council Workplace Representatives. All subscribing members of the PFEW are eligible to stand for election at this stage.

Workplace Reps are not only the bedrock of the Federation, they are also the source of most of the reps that participate in the National level bodies (i.e. the National Council and National Board). A thriving Branch-level Workplace Representatives election process is therefore a critical step in building a strong foundation for national-level PFEW activity.

Nominations for Branch Council Workplace Representative elections open on 30 December 2024 and the full 2024-25 election cycle will complete on 30 September 2025.

The table below outlines the full election timeline, summarising key activities, voting groups, and important dates. All eligible members are encouraged to actively participate in the elections process, whether by standing for election, supporting others to stand as candidates or by thoughtfully casting their vote.


Further information

Elections overview

Rationale for positive action steps

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