Police Federation

Election Café

In the lead up to the Fed rep elections (taking place during Jan – Feb 2025), we will be hosting Election Café events – these are informal chats online, with those in the know about the life of a Fed rep. They can answer your questions and explain why this may be a role you would like to take on to help support your colleagues. These events received great feedback when we held them 3 years ago, so they are well worth making time to attend!  

These events support our FedElects campaign, which highlights the incredible work reps do. The Election Cafés are open to every serving officer to attend; we particularly welcome members from under-represented groups (such as women and BAME officers) to stand as a Fed rep in the forthcoming elections.

We will share dates of the Election Cafés in January 2025.

If you are unable to attend at the time, the sessions will be recorded and posted on this page after the event. If you would like to know more about the election process and how you can put yourself forward please visit our Election page.

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