Police Federation

Becoming a member

What is the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW)?

We are a staff association for police constables, sergeants and inspectors (including chief inspectors). We are one of the largest staff associations in the UK representing more than 145,000 rank and file officers. Find out more about our organisational aims and objectives or our structure.

Why should I join the Federation?

Membership of the Federation is optional. Members receive support and advice from fellow officers who are elected workplace reps and have received training on Police Regulations to ensure you are properly represented, should you face an issue. This could be about knowing your rights and entitlements, but it also could mean getting you the right support if you become victim of any workplace issues.

During performance and misconduct proceedings, a Fed rep will help, advise and represent you. Federation members can make Criminal, Misconduct and Civil applications for legal assistance (in compliance with our Funding Criteria – see Q.5) should they need it. Membership of the Federation is also required in order for you to be covered by your Branch’s Group Insurance Scheme.

Membership also gives you access to a host of benefits from a range of affiliated providers who offer discounts on financial, health, travel, legal, home, vehicle and telecoms products and services. Local benefits are also available – contact your local Branch for more information. 

Members can also book discounted overnight accommodation at our training and hotel facilities at Federation House in Leatherhead, Surrey. Full details can be found at: www.federationhouse.co.uk.

How much does it cost per month to be a member?

You can opt to become a subscribing member of the Federation which entitles you to the full range of support and assistance in accordance with our rules. Membership costs £24.31 per month. In your first year as a probationary constable, the amount is discounted by 50%. Only in your second year do you pay the full subscription rate. There is no discount for direct entry inspectors. However, during your first two years of membership you are entitled to the full range of benefits. Once you have become a member, your monthly subscription will be deducted directly from your pay by your force. They then pass that money to the Federation.

If you decide to be a non-subscribing member of PFEW, you will still get limited access to support from reps but you will not be able to access legal assistance or funding.

You can claim tax relief on your Fed membership

Did you know membership subscriptions of professional bodies and organisations, such as the Police Federation, attract tax relief?

That means if you claim tax relief on the subscription amount paid you can partly offset the cost by paying less tax – the Chancellor pays the difference. 

For basic rate taxpayers for each £1 paid in subscription your tax bill could be reduced by 20p. Individual circumstances might apply but you should see how much you could save. Officers serving in the Met and West Yorkshire do not need to apply for this as tax relief is automatically given on your subscription.

To apply for the tax credit – click on the link


How do I join the PFEW?

Please contact your local Branch to find out about becoming a member.

I have an issue at work what should I do?

Please contact your local Branch for support.

What is the process for accessing legal funding?

If you think you are in need of legal support, speak to your local Branch who will be able to advise you in the first instance and fill in a funding application form on your behalf if necessary. Legal funding is offered to those members whose applications meet the standards of the funding criteria, in accordance with the Police Federation Fund Rules.

Find out more about the legal advice and assistance available for members.

What is your complaints procedure?

If you have a complaint about a rep in your force, please contact your Branch in the first instance. If you have a complaint about your Branch or a national rep, then please contact the National Centre.

How do I cancel my membership?

Please contact your local Branch.

How do you maintain and improve members’ pay and conditions?

We do this by:
• actively participating in national, force and local consultations;
• engaging in consulting collectively and on behalf of individual members;
 collecting and using evidence-based information to lobby and campaign for courses of action that are in members’ best interests; and
• raising awareness and gathering support for our work from police stakeholders.

We use our annual pay and morale survey - alongside other evidence, such as economic analysis - to collect evidence from members that we submit to the Police Remuneration Review Body, which advises the Government on police pay.

How do you represent members’ interests with key decision-makers?

We do this by:
• providing clear leadership locally and nationally on issues affecting the membership;
• listening to and reflecting issues concerning our members;
• maintaining an effective communications strategy;
• engaging with all internal and external stakeholders and decision makers; and
• putting evidence-based information in the hands of decision-makers.

Find out more about our key areas of work and our campaigns for change.

How are local Branches funded?

The administration and running costs of Branch offices is paid for from member subscriptions. Branches submit a budget each year to the National Centre. The salaries of reps and Branch officers are paid for by their force.

Find out more on our Reports & Accounts page.

I have a specific question about my circumstances and that relates to Police Regulations, who can I ask? 

Please contact your local Branch. They will be able to advise you or find the information you need on your behalf. Alternatively, take a look at our Did you know? campaign page or our Quick Reference Guide to Regulations.

Where can I find the pay scales for constable, sergeants and inspectors and chief inspectors?

Pay scales for rank and file officers are available online.

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