Lincolnshire Police Federation

office contact details

Charitable Fund



Charitable Fund -Supporting you, your family and colleagues.

Who are we?
Set up in 1974, we are a non-fundraising organisation, whose objective is to provide relief and assistance to its members, their widows or widowers and dependants who, for a variety of reasons, are suffering through need hardship or distress.
Today we run as a modern Charity governed by the Charity Commission, with all that implies for the subscribing members. We produce inspected accounts which may be viewed on the Charity Commission Website.
Any subscribing current employee of the Lincolnshire Police is eligible for help.
This cover also extends to retired personnel, widow, widowers and their dependants referred to above.


What services are offered under the scheme?

Grants for unforeseen expenses to the spouse or partner on the death of a serving member
Assistance with mileage travel for medical appointments or visiting seriously ill close relatives
Christmas monetary gifts to children of deceased serving members.
Flowers or Fruit as result of personal illness or distress.
Loans are means tested and must be last resort. Financial advice is also available where there are difficult circumstances.
Emergency funds may be accessed in critical situations.

How much is a subscription?
Currently only £2.00 per month is paid by members and where possible we ask for Gift Aid because it means we can ask for tax back from the Inland Revenue. This does not affect your tax situation and you can still enter it on your tax return.

How to subscribe
To subscribe please complete the Charitable Fund subscription form.
Don’t forget to read the Privacy Notice attached, as the subscription form requires you to sign that you have read it.

Who administers the fund?
The fund has an Administrator based in the Volunteers Office. The Fund is managed by a board of Trustees with representatives from each of the Force areas, Unison, NPCC, Police Federation Boards, Superintendents Association and NARPO.

What it means to be a trustee
Trustees have defined roles within Charities and more information may be obtained through the Charity Commission website. These are career developmental opportunities for individuals and are part of our responsibility to our community.
Attending meetings regularly every quarter and finding a deputy if you are unable to attend is the only activity asked of you. Meetings are usually arranged 12 months in advance so you have plenty of warning. Dealing with confidential material in the meeting and making decisions about how best to help our colleagues in distress are matters of concern for the Trustees.
Current trustees
• CC Paul Gibson - President
• DCC Julia Debenham – Vice President
• Supt Paul Timmins – Supt’s Association
• Supt Suzanne Davies – Supt’s Association
• Mrs Debbie Parker – Unison
• Mrs Carol Atkinson – Unison
• Ms Sue McEachran – NARPO
• Mr Dick Bolland – NARPO
• Rev Tanya Lord – Wellbeing
• Insp Fran Harrod – HQ
• Insp Ian Richardson – West
• Pc Warren Peachey - Police Federation
• Cons Gary Anderson - Police Federation
• Insp Helen Stamp - Police Federation
• Insp Alison Bowley-Webb - Police Federation
• Sgt Dave Robinson - East
• Mr T Wintin – NARPO
• Georgia Pengelly – Volunteers

Becoming a Trustee
Trustees are elected at the Annual General Meeting held in September each year. If you would like to know more please contact one of the Trustees or the Administrator by email

Contact details
Contact the Charitable Fund Administrator, Vanessa Mawer by email at