28 days from today is Tue, 22 April 2025
Read about our award winners and how much we gave to SolentMIND - our charity of 2019
Click on the links to see our latest member offers
HAMPSHIRE Discount Code For
NPPF Step 2 (Legal Exam)
Examination Candidates
2020 Dates are now available to apply for until Monday 18th November!
This is a photograph of Hampshire officers and families of police officers who sadly lost their lives on duty, at National police Memorial Day this year.
Our annual value report available for you to read as published on our website
LeaseForce vehicle offers competitive and unbiased choice of new vehicle
Hampshire Police Federation Welfare Van hits the ground running
Following the announcement of the collapse of Thomas Cook today we wanted to offer advice to any members affected by the news.
Open meeting details announced
Latest news on pensions, pychological screening and resourcing from Hampshire Police Federation Chair, Alex Charge
What you really need to know
BMW Group Military & Emergency Services - a scheme that offers members of the Emergency Services unique offers on our complete range of vehicles.
Update from Hampshire police federation on the recent pay announcement
Voting is open to elect three new workplace representatives for Hampshire Police Federations council.
See the joint statement on the Police Federation of England and Wales’s police officer pension position
Read the view from Alex Charge, Hampshire federation chair
Our members want to serve the public the best they can but with scarce resource versus increased demand
Exclusive Summer phone offers
Police Mutual will be treating us all to FREE FOOD
Special summer offers from Motor Source
Free coffee and snacks from the side of a Landrover at a station near you!!
The only national survey which captures members views on pay, conditions and morale launches today (Monday, June 10).
Group Insurance 2019 Newsletter
Officers deployed on a mutual aid basis for this weeks DDAY75 event which involves heads of state attending from across the world as well as Her Majesty the Queen will receive a fairer deal thanks to the Federation.
“Hampshire Police Federation looks forward to welcoming our colleagues in to our force area and working with them and the constabulary to make for a very special event to commemorate the events of June 1944”
Cops and Crewing study needs you. Help us to help you.....
The latest message from your chair
The findings of a new study out today show that more than one in five police officers are currently suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
#PoliceWelfare #PoliceDemand #ProtectTheProtectors
A string of cyber attacks have affected Federation IT systems including this website
Police Mutual - all part of the service
Rob Heath will be holding a Finance surgery at Federation House
PFEW cancels annual conference, a flagship event in its calendar
The Police Federation of England and Wales has confirmed that it is dealing with a malware attack on its computer systems.
A thug who walked free from court after repeatedly kicking and punching an officer on the floor before assaulting his colleague has sparked calls for the criminal justice system to end lenient punishments.
It has been announced by Hampshire PCC’s office that he has invested in the wellbeing of Hampshire Police officers totalling nearly 1.5 million pounds over the next three years.
You may be entitled to a tax refund
Hampshire fed represented at national International Women's Day event 2019
Welcome to our new website
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website: