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Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Courageous dog handler nominated for National Police Bravery Award

16 May 2024

A Nottinghamshire Police Federation member who tracked down an attacker who left him with a serious head injury has been nominated for a National Bravery Award.

Dog handler PC Chris Duffy received a seven-inch wound across the back of his head that exposed his skull and was lucky not to receive life-ending or life-altering injuries.

Chris had been trying to arrest his attacker’s brother, when he was struck with a weapon and then subjected to a sustained assault once on the ground.

He fought back and the attacker, Mason Perkins, ran from the scene. Chris managed to get back to his feet and locate Perkins, who was arrested by officers.


Dog handler PC Chris Duffy and his dog, Reno.


Chris said: “The wound was approximately two inches from the base of my skull and the top of my spine.

“An impact to that area could have been life ending, life threatening, or life altering if the impact had been two inches lower into either of those areas.”

The attack happened at around 1.15am on March 11, 2023. Chris and his police dog Reno were called to the Sunnydale Inn in Mansfield after reports that seven people were threatening to smash the windows and assault the landlord.

Reno tracked and detained a suspect in an alleyway and, while Chris was searching him, Perkins approached and asked if he could pass by.

At this stage, believing Perkins to be a member of the public who posed no threat, Chris let him pass by but was struck across the back of the head with an unknown weapon.

Chris said: “Without warning or any sound, I felt a tremendous blow to the back of my head, jolting it forward violently.

“The force was enough that my body just gave away underneath it and I fell to the floor.

“I remember the thud of the blow, being kicked to the left side of my body. Perkins stood over me throwing a volley of punches towards my head, hitting me all over my face and body.

“Knowing I was now in a fight for survival I began kicking with all my power, while trying to protect my face with my left arm as my right hand was gripped onto PD Reno.”

Perkins fled the scene and Chris maintained control of the arrested suspect while colleagues responded to his emergency call.

As he was walking back to his vehicle, Chris then spotted Perkins and, despite his horrific injuries, gave chase on foot while updating colleagues on his radio. Perkins was detained and Chris was taken to hospital.



“Seeing the amount of blood that had soaked into my coat, my body armour, my trousers and the adrenaline starting to wear off it really started to hit home just how violent the encounter had been,” Chris said.

“The A&E [accident and emergency] doctor assessed my injuries and stated that it had been done by a sharp instrument, that it was not a blunt item, it was not my head impacting the floor but a sharp instrument due to the length, the depth and the clean lines of the cut all the way along.

“He stated it was a full scalp depth laceration approximately 7 inches in length across the back of my lower head. The pain at the point of examination was excruciating.”

No weapon was recovered. Chris was forced to take a month off work to recover from his injuries, which also included a black eye, as well as injuries to Reno.

The psychological impact is still there for Chris.

Perkins was jailed for 11-and-a-half years in January [this year] after admitting grievous bodily harm at Nottingham Crown Court.

Now Chris has been nominated for a Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) Bravery Award.

He said: “I am extremely proud to be nominated for the award, it is very nice to receive such recognition for the incident.

“It is humbling to know colleagues think highly enough of my actions during the incident to nominate me for such an award.

“The nomination will mean a lot to my family and fiancé, who have supported me throughout.

“It was a fantastic team effort on the night, starting with PD Reno who tracked to and then bit the first suspect when he ran, colleagues arriving on scene and taking over control of him, my ARV shift administering first aid, colleagues who were able to get ahead during my foot chase of Perkins so he had nowhere to run, ending with months of hard work from Detective Sergeant Matthew Dumbrell’s team, who collected such evidence that Perkins was left no choice but to plead guilty.

“My thanks go to them all.”

Simon Riley, chair of Nottinghamshire Police Federation, said: “Chris’s bravery is astounding. He was the victim of a brutal and sustained assault by Perkins, with a weapon, from behind and with no warning.

“For Chris to have managed to maintain control and complete the arrest of the first suspect is remarkable enough, but to then give chase after Perkins, despite his horrific injuries, and still have the presence of mind to think forensically is absolutely, heroic. 

“His actions on the night of 11 March 2023 undoubtedly assured that a violent and highly dangerous criminal was taken off the streets and Perkins will now spend a significant time in prison for his despicable crime as the result of Chris’s bravery.

“This incident is a stark reminder of the dangers that our members face every day when they turn up to work to protect the public.

“Police officers are ordinary human beings performing an extraordinary role. I am beyond proud of Chris’s incredible bravery and dedication to his duty and he is a more than worthy nominee for the PFEW National Bravery Award of 2024.”

Kate Meynell, Nottinghamshire Police Chief Constable, said: “This officer’s bravery stands in stark contrast to the deplorable and cowardly actions of Mason Perkins.

“Other officers at the scene in Mansfield Woodhouse that night did a highly professional job to support their injured colleague and ensure two suspects were quickly arrested.

“I would also like to thank the team of detectives who carried out an exemplary investigation, quickly charging Perkins and building a strong case which has seen him put before the courts.

“Violence aimed at anyone, including our officers, will never be tolerated in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and we will always ensure those who commit such horrendous attacks are brought to justice.”

This year’s National Police Bravery Awards, which is organised by the Police Federation of England and Wales, will take place in London on 11 July.

READ MORE: Former Army PT is guest speaker at mental health webinar.
