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Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Autumn edition of Front Line is out now

3 November 2023

Heartfelt tributes are paid to fallen officers in the autumn edition of Front Line, the magazine of Nottinghamshire Police Federation.

Branch chair Simon Riley remembers Sergeant Graham Saville and PC Ashleigh Metcalf, whose deaths have had a profound effect on the Force.

And secretary Tom Hill pays tribute to fallen officers in features in the magazine on this year’s National Police Memorial Day and on the Care of Police Survivors (COPS) Service of Remembrance.

Front Line rounds up all the news and views from this year’s annual Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) conference, including how officers are choosing to be assaulted rather than use force due to fears about facing misconduct proceedings.

Read how more than 230 non-disclosure agreements have been used by forces to silence victims of sexism and misogyny. 

There are features on the keynote addresses by national Federation chair Steve Hartshorn and and Home Secretary Suella Braverman.

PFEW chief executive Mukund Krishna apologises for the organisation’s failure to challenge the Government’s change in pensions policy in his speech to conference, while national Federation secretary Calum Macleod admits he would tell his younger self to pursue an alternative career to policing as he discusses pay and conditions.

Conference discussions on mutual aid allowances, retirement, health and wellbeing, senior leaders, and the Federation’s #SimplifyDG6 campaign also come under spotlight.

Away from the conference, hear from the members who were the regional winners at this year’s national Police Bravery Awards after risking their lives to tackle a violent attacker who had stabbed one of them multiple times.

We meet the Federation rep and first-time mum who is making it her mission to improve the working environment for new parents.

And we shine a light on the Force’s drone team and its work in supporting officers and protecting the public.

It’s all in the autumn edition of Front Line, which is available online now
