90 days from today is Sat, 22 February 2025

Nottinghamshire Police Federation

Important notes

If a flexible working application is agreed, this will usually be subject to an annual review to ensure that the flexible working pattern continues to support both the officer’s needs and the needs of the Force.

The process as set out within the policy will therefore apply to renewals and officers are encouraged to re-submit any request in good time prior to the annual review date.

If an officer moves to another post, team or are promoted, there is no right to take the flexible working pattern with them, and they will therefore be required to submit a new application for flexible working.

If initially employed on a full-time basis and the officer subsequently reduces their hours as part of a flexible working application, they are entitled to return to full-time hours within two months of submitting a written request to do so where there is a suitable vacancy, or within four months where a vacancy cannot be immediately identified.

Once a request is submitted the officer and manager should meet to discuss the options available. This entitlement does not extend to the right to remain in the same post and therefore it may be necessary to consider an alternative posting to accommodate the additional hours.