Lincolnshire Police Federation

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Serve & Protect Credit Union (Savings & Loans)

serve & protect



Serve and Protect Credit Union

We are excited to work with Serve and Protect Credit Union to help improve the financial resilience of our workforce, giving you the opportunity to save easily and borrow responsibly, with deductions directly from your pay.

Who are Serve and Protect?

Serve and Protect is a not-for-profit financial cooperative that supports thousands of employees across the Police, Prison, Military, Fire, and Health services.

Watch this short video to learn more!

Save Effortlessly

Start saving from just £10 a month, without even thinking about it. Your chosen amount will be automatically deducted from your pay and placed into an account with Serve and Protect, giving you easy access to your savings.

Borrow Responsibly

Serve and Protect also offers ethical lending options, allowing you to borrow with peace of mind. Spread repayments over time, with no worries about missing payments. Please note, this is an option, not a recommendation (loans are subject to credit status and affordability).

Have More Questions?

  • Is there a cost to join?
    • You can become a member of Serve and Protect Credit Union for free. If you are just saving, you can also cancel for free at any time!
  • How does salary deduction work?
    • Whether you are saving or borrowing, it will be deducted from your salary and will appear on your payslip. Please note, if you are not on a full-time contract, the credit union may ask you to set up a direct debit instead.
  • Do my savings get deducted before tax?
    • When you save monthly with deductions from your salary, please note that these deductions are taken after taxes have been deducted.
  • Are loans guaranteed?
    • As a responsible lender, loans from Serve and Protect are not guaranteed and are subject to standard credit checks and proof of identity.
  • How can I join the credit union?
    • You can easily join Serve and Protect Credit Union through their website by simply filling out a short form.

Want to Learn More?

Ready to get started on your journey to financial resilience? Become a member of Serve and Protect Credit Union today via their website below!

Serve and Protect Credit Union: Improving Financial Resilience


FINANCIAL WEBINARS    Free to join , providing information and advice on financial resilience and police pension reform updates .

TOOLS & CALCULATORS   Here you will find calculators for Loans, Benefits, Savings and much more




