Lincolnshire Police Federation

office contact details

Knights Lawyers


Knights , based in Lincoln ,  legal advice to support you when your circumstances change

Knights are the largest regional legal services business in the UK. They have over 1,500 colleagues based in 26 locations around the UK. We are ranked as one of the top 40 legal businesses in the country

For more information please visit


If you are looking for advice on a change in your circumstances, contact Knights on the details below.

Family Law


   Contact Alison Conlon on 01522 508813 or 07712 395181- email                 


Wills & Probate 

Contact Amy Allison on 01522 508795 or 07523 519150 - email



Contact Debbie Commons on 01522 710317 or 07958 361197 - email




Please remember to state that you are a Federated Member or Lincolnshire Police Staff Member 

You will be asked to complete an intake form before your appointment to ensure there is no conflict of interest.

