19 August 2022
The Police Federation has announced subscription rates are to go up by 3.1 per cent for all members from 1 October.
The subscription rate has been increased just once in the last decade in order to support members during years of austerity and Government capped wage rises. This latest increase works out at 58p per month, net, for basic rate taxpayers.
Derbyshire Police Federation once again remind members that their Federation subscriptions are a professional expense which should be claimed against their tax code along with the flat rate allowance of £140 per year. Find out more.
A motion to raise subs in line with the percentage uplift to police pay for 2022/23 was carried by local and regional delegates by 221 votes to 170 following a robust debate at the annual conference in May.
Supporters of the motion said they accepted the Police Federation was facing increasing costs linked to soaring inflation, upcoming litigation and preserving the financial health of the National Reserve Fund.
The National Board of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) has opted to increase subs at the lower end of the average pay rises based on the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) recommendations, which were accepted in full by the Government, for a flat increase of £1,900 per officer – a pay award which works out at between 3.1 per cent and 8.8 per cent depending on rank and length of service.
Tony Wetton, chair of Derbyshire Police Federation, said: “I hope that members will see that PFEW, like all other organisations, is facing significant financial challenges after a decade of pressure on finances due to hugely reduced numbers of officers and having supported members by not increasing the rate for 10 years up to 2020. The rate was not increased last year following the disgraceful Government decision to deny officers a hard earned pay rise. Delegates at conference wrestled with the need to preserve PFEW’s financial position against the obvious pressures on officers’ personal finances. This increase of £6.96 per year (after the tax is claimed back) is set at the lowest percentage increase that the £1,900 pay award represents for a Federated member.”
In a message to members, the Police Federation said: “PFEW reviews its subscription rates regularly to ensure a balance between affordability for our membership and ensuring the organisation can continue to afford the best representation for members, the training of the Federation representatives who support members across a broad spectrum of areas and the continual business of lobbying Government and stakeholders for positive changes to legislation and guidance that affect the rank and file directly.
“PFEW is cognisant of the increased costs that will be associated with the rise of inflation and will continue to work with our suppliers and stakeholders to ensure value for money.”
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