90 days from today is Sat, 22 March 2025

Wiltshire Police Federation

Ask Twice Webinar - 15 May 2024

9 May 2024

Join us for a special webinar during Mental Health Awareness Week as we launch our new campaign, #AskTwice. This initiative is designed to empower officers and police staff to cultivate a supportive environment for mental health management within their ranks. Discover the importance of asking twice and fostering open dialogue around mental health concerns for yourself and your colleagues.

In today's fast-paced world, the simple question "How are you?" has lost its genuine concern and become a mere formality. Through the Ask Twice campaign, we aim to change that by encouraging officers, police staff, and colleagues to pause and ask each other twice, "How are you? Really, how are you?"

If you or a colleague is struggling with mental health issues the resources highlighted in this campaign offer the support, solutions, and mechanisms necessary to facilitate recovery and enhance well-being.

Let's slow down, take the time to check in, and Ask Twice. Together, we can create a culture of genuine care and support within policing.

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