28 days from today is Sun, 06 April 2025

Hampshire Police Federation

Hampshire Police Federation response to the pay award

22 July 2022

As you are aware, the government has given police officers a £1900 increase to our annual pay. This equates to over 7% for new recruits and as little as 2% for Chief Inspectors. To be clear, this is not a pay rise when inflation is running at over 9%. It’s more than we have had for many years but it comes nowhere near to making up for the years of cuts to our pay. It is also divisive. On the one hand it is positive that our lowest paid are receiving the most but those who are experienced and manage risk are receiving very little. I have just got back from a National Fed Meeting where we discussed our plans regarding pay. Many ideas were put forward such as balloting members on seeking industrial rights (we will never be given the right to strike). We have to be careful what we wish for as with this will come with employee status and the option for forces to make officers redundant. We also discussed some form of rally. National Fed are now scoping these ideas and seeking legal advice. There has been comment on working to rule but we need to be careful that we do not fall into the realms of causing disaffection which is a criminal offence. Please be assured that a number of options are being worked on but it will take time and it will far more than just a strongly worded letter! I am confident that the new national chair and his board will do all within their power to fight for better pay for police.

There has been commentary on action that the Scottish police federation have taken. However their regulations and laws differ to ours. That said I know that Calum Macleod, our national secretary is in regular contact with his Scottish counterpart to explore all options open to us in our pay campaign.


Locally, I have been putting pressure on the Chief Constable and the PCC to increase the South East Allowance constantly since I became Chair.

I have asked for an index-linked increase due to the current levels of inflation.

Many of our neighbouring forces have increased their SEA, making us the force receiving the lowest amount. Hertfordshire and TVP have recently increased theirs to the maximum amount. I have had conversations with the Chief Constable and PCC about this. I am encouraged by their responses and will hopefully have some good news for you very soon.


Please be assured that your pay, terms and conditions have been at the top of my agenda over the past weeks and months. Due to the speed that matters change and the sensitivities of those discussions has meant that I have not been able to update you until now.


March 2025