28 days from today is Thu, 24 April 2025
16 November 2020
Hampshire Police officers are being urged to take part in a men’s forum aimed at helping them to talk about their mental health.
This year’s event will be run online over three days on Microsoft Teams. Each session will run from 2pm until 4pm across 18-20th November.
Wednesday’s session will focus on stress and depression and will be led by guest speaker John Sutherland.
Former Met Police officer John suffered a breakdown with what he calls ‘crippling’ depression in 2003. Now he hopes by talking about his experience officers will feel empowered to come forward and recognise how they are feeling.
Thursday’s ‘Inner Armour’ session is led by guest speaker Al McGregor and Chief Constable Carl Foulkes. Al is a pioneer in ‘positive psychology’, and he’ll be sharing his ideas around how police officers can recalibrate and make sure their mechanisms function healthily. CC Foulkes from North Wales Police saw active service in the Gulf and also has a wealth of experience to share.
On Friday 20th comedian John Ryan will be taking a light-hearted look at men’s health to prove laughter is great medicine! There’s more to John than jokes however; he has had a research paper published on how comedy can boost mental wellbeing and has worked in both army and prison settings.
You can book the sessions via; Mens.Forum@hampshire.pnn.police.uk
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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