28 days from today is Fri, 11 April 2025
23 March 2020
Hampshire Police Federation is sending out a welfare pack to help members cope with the stress of dealing with the effects of Coronavirus.
Around 400 Federation members are currently listed as working away from home, in self-isolation or have reported symptoms of the virus.
They’ll receive the pack first with a further rollout to all members to follow.
In it, they’ll find support around maintaining good mental health, financial guidance, links to Government information about the disease plus travel advice.
All the benefits of membership are there too, including care counselling, group insurance schemes and the online GP service, allowing officers to speak directly to a doctor should they need one.
Federation Secretary Garry Smith said the team were very aware of the difficulties officers are facing as the virus continues its tight grip on the nation.
“We’re very conscious that people are self-isolating or have got to stay at home to look after children or their vulnerable family members, or they’re working from home because they can do as part of social distancing,” he said.
“People are worried and perhaps a little anxious. If you have an underlying mental health worry or concern, then the virus is going to add to your baseline issues or whatever you’ve got going on, so we wanted to stay in touch with people and offer some advice to help them through their self-isolation or their period working away from the workplace.
“We’ve created the pack that may help people, whether it be with their own mental wellbeing if they’ve got any finance concerns because their partners or family members are losing jobs or reduction in their wage,” he added.
“There are areas to go to for financial support as well as some support and guidance from places like Boots who have given a very simple guide to the Coronavirus.”
Alongside the pack, Garry wants members to know the Federation is still open and can be contacted by members if they need further help.
“We’ve been inundated with enquiries so if there’s anything in the pack that doesn’t answer members’ queries, they can contact us, and we can put them in touch with the right people to support them and help them.
“The pack contains information about the online GP service, so you can speak to a registered doctor from the General Medical Council from the comfort of your sofa.
“That will obviously save you from having to go into your GP.”
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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