28 days from today is Sun, 19 January 2025

Hampshire Police Federation

Hampshire federation influence policing response to DDAY commemorations

23 May 2019

A large number of police officers and staff will descend on Portsmouth in June to support the national commemorations event.

From the outset of the operation the force have invited the police federation to the planning meetings and have engaged with us on a number of areas within the operation.

As a result, both our members in Hampshire and our visiting colleagues on mutual aid will have suitable accommodation.

Whilst in force the federation will be visible as well as contactable 24/7 for any welfare issue, regulation query or post incident procedure support.

We have got the best deal for our members and worked with RMT and the force for a proportionate use of resources.

Alex Charge, federation chair said “Hampshire Police Federation looks forward to welcoming our colleagues in to our force area and working with them and the constabulary to make for a very special event to commemorate the events of June 1944”