28 days from today is Wed, 23 April 2025

Hampshire Police Federation

Health & Safety

The most important thing is that we all go home from work and we are safe whilst engaging in Police Duties, Health and Safety in the police service can be difficult because as everyone runs away from danger Police officers are expected to run towards it.  There is a balance to be had, the Health and Safety Executive who investigate and prosecute Health and safety matters on behalf of the  Government have provided Guidance of how to balance the risk and the expectation


We have both Workplace Health and Safety Representatives and Federation Representatives who are trained in Health and Safety Matters.


Our Reps attend Command Health and Safety meetings on your behalf and also take part in periodic Health and Safety Audits of all Hampshire Buildings


Sean Duffy is our Health and Safety Lead he can be contacted by clicking here


 We have Reps are qualified with NEBOSH National General Certificates in Occupational Health and Safety and Fire Safety and Risk Management.



Some useful Guidance Documents:


COP Guidance - Health Safety and Welfare

Health and safety at work etc act  1974

Health and Safety Law

Driving at work

Operational Heath and Safety - Striking the balance - Police


Actions for injuries / assaults on duty

PFEW safety policy

