28 June 2021
Derbyshire Police Federation members took the chance to question branch representatives during an online surgery last week.
Members were able to quiz chair Tony Wetton, secretary Kirsty Bunn and Branch Board members Paul Russell and Bekki Smith on issues of concern and the forthcoming Federation elections.
During the two-hour session, the panel answered members’ questions on minimum staffing, the Derbyshire Benevolent Trust, and pensions.
On the question of the pensions remedy, those attending were told: “Sorting out the detail of the remedy is proving to be fiendishly complicated.
“The recent Government consultation suggests that much of the detail won’t be finalised until October 2023.”
Members were told they can find out more on the Derbyshire Police Federation website.
The panel also answered questions on the role of the Federation and the work it does for members.
“We raise issues affecting our members with chief officers in our regular meetings and regularly with senior officers and line managers where necessary,” they said. “We meet regularly with key stakeholders, colleagues and partners including divisional commanders, the Police and Crime Commissioner, members of Parliament, HR, OLCE, the press and media.
“The office staff, full-time officers and local reps have represented and supported many officers over the past three years, often at the darkest times in their career and life.
“Members have been supported through misconduct investigations and proceedings, whether that be through OLCE or IOPC. Many officers have faced formal unsatisfactory attendance and unsatisfactory performance procedures and also during informal management of those issues.
“We have developed our media presence beyond recognition, with a new website with regular updated content, and social media accounts on Twitter (@derbyfedchair and @derpolfed) and Facebook (Derbyshire Police Federation) where we highlight issues affecting our members and pass useful information and resources.
“Please let us know where we need to do more or do things differently.”
Members were also encouraged to stand at the upcoming Federation elections.
“Please take the opportunity next month to get involved by putting yourself up as a Fed rep for the next three years,” said the panel. “Whether you’ve had or seen a good service from your Federation, or if you think it should be better in some respect, this is your opportunity to contribute and improve what we do.”
They added: “Put yourself up as a rep when the email comes through at the start of July, then get some support from folk around you – encourage them to vote.
“We elect 20 reps and need them in all areas of the Force. We’d really like to see a broad range of officers on the Branch Council - young-in-service and BAME officers haven’t been involved enough on the council in the recent past, similarly the inspecting ranks.
“If not you at the moment, then think about who you'd like representing you and encourage them. The Fed is your voice – make sure you’re using it.”
Quick links to information on the national Police Federation website:
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