Derbyshire Police Federation

News and Views: magazine out now

9 October 2024

We remember the police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty in the autumn edition of News and Views, the magazine of Derbyshire Police Federation.

Branch chair Keith Chambers has spoken about his ‘honour’ at representing Derbyshire Police Federation and its members at this year’s National Police Memorial Day (NPMD).

Keith, who was attending the service for the first time, says: “It was a really moving and powerful occasion, full of emotion, colour, and laughs as well.”

We also met the Federation member who represented the Force for the first time as its standard bearer at the NPMD.



News and Views also caught up with Keith, who has now been in post as chair for a few months, to chat about his 24-year career, his home life, and his plans for the role.

To mark Black History Month, Keith has also spoken about his hope that being the first black elected chair of Derbyshire Police Federation will inspire colleagues to be the best version of themselves.

There’s an interview with Helen Gallear, six months into her role as a full-time rep leading on wellbeing and CAPLO (Complaints and Performance Liaison Officer).

“To do this full-time is a dream come true for me,” she says.


We meet the Fed member who competed in three sports at this year’s Transplant Games.

And we meet the member who supported French police on a mutual aid assignment at this summer’s Paralympic Games in Paris.

We feature Fed rep Chris Mills, who discusses his career and his drive to help others.

There’s a call for members to complete this year’s Pay and Morale Survey to help the Federation fight for better pay and conditions.

We look at the work of the Derbyshire Police Men’s Health Forum support network and a free PFEW webinar, which aims to open up conversations about mental health.

Plus, there is a feature on the work being done in Force to tackle poor morale and improve officer wellbeing.

It’s all in the bumper autumn edition of News and Views, which is available to download now.

Read the latest edition online.


October 2024