Derbyshire Police Federation

Look out for each other and prioritise mental health

9 October 2024

Derbyshire Police Federation members are being encouraged to look out for each other this World Mental Health Day.

Wellbeing lead Helen Gallear says the awareness day is an ideal opportunity for officers to check their own and their colleagues’ mental and emotional health.

Helen said: “Police officers are often exposed to trauma and to difficult emotional moments.

“It’s a job like no other, and our colleagues understand the situations and pressures we face and can often be sympathetic.

“And they often know us as well as anyone and can tell when we’re struggling, or we’re emotionally down, or we’re not coping, and can direct us to support if we need it.”



This year’s World Mental Health Day (Thursday 10 October) theme is mental health in the workplace.

Derbyshire Police Federation’s most recent pay and morale survey found that 82 per cent of respondents said they had experienced feelings of stress, low mood, anxiety or other difficulties with their health and wellbeing over the last 12 months. Almost half (46 per cent) said they find their job ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ stressful.

Helen said: “Mental health issues can affect anyone, and police officers are no different.


“It’s not just the job but money worries, relationships, life events, or a combination of factors, can all have an impact.”

Helen highlighted the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) #AskTwice campaign, which aims to develop a culture that positively addresses mental health and wellbeing in the police service.

Members are encouraged to ask how their colleagues are and, if they are not convinced by the answer, to ask twice.

The campaign is also a resource and brings together assets to offer support and guidance in areas such as bereavement, financial wellbeing, and suicide.

The online resource will grow over time as new information and advice is added to it.

Helen said: “We’ve got a responsibility to each other, as well as to ourselves, to speak to our colleagues if we spot early signs of mental ill-health and intervene where necessary.”

READ MORE: New Fed magazine out now.


October 2024