Derbyshire Police Federation

Election Café – find out more about being a Fed rep

27 May 2021

The vital work carried out by Police Federation workplace representatives will be highlighted at an online event next week ahead of July’s triennial elections.

All members are being urged to register to attend the third and final Federation Election Café to learn more about the role and will also be able to claim a free gift.

The Election Café event is part of the ongoing Reps@Work campaign designed to showcase the incredible work reps do.

Derbyshire Police Federation branch chair Tony Wetton said: “With the Police Federation elections starting in July, the Election Café gives members a chance to find out all about what the role entails.

“We would encourage as many members as possible to sign up for the café. I attended one earlier this week and thought that it gave a real insight into the challenging and rewards of the role.

“It is open to all members and we would particularly urge officers from under-represented groups to attend and consider putting themselves forward in the elections.”

“Anyone interested who would like to know more about what being a Federation rep in Derbyshire entails can always ring me, branch secretary Kirsty Bunn or any of the current reps.  Helping and representing Derbyshire colleagues is a fantastic thing to do, and the national Federation raining programme is excellent. Whatever the reason for your interest - give it a go, and at least give us a ring”

The Election Café will be open from 6pm until 7.30pm on Tuesday 1 June.

To register, please email



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